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Ms. A

Accountability I

Ecclesiastes 4:9-11: "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up, but pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 

The Bible encourages believers to be in the company of other believers and Christian communities. We are advised to join small groups and be planted in a church. We must also be ready to share our stories with others to comfort them and get advice from others when we need help.

Most times, we are reluctant to share our struggles with others because we may have been betrayed or disappointed in the past, but we must be willing to try again.

Part of the devil's plan is to isolate us from others, but the bible tells us we cannot do life alone. We need each other, and we must find someone we can speak to during hard times and someone that can hold us accountable.

We can pray for God to send people that we can rely on. We can also pray about discernment in our relationships. It is essential to know whom we can trust with our life details. An accountable partner should be someone we trust and want the best in you—someone who cares for you and is not afraid to speak the truth.

I pray for godly friendships in our lives. I pray for discernment and courage to be able to truly confide in others. In Jesus Name. Amen

Salvation Prayer: If you stumbled on this blog and you do not know this "God" I write about, but you feel a leading in your spirit to learn more. Well, Welcome! God loves you and has led you here for a reason. If you desire to build a relationship with Him, the first step is to say this prayer below:

Lord Jesus, I come today as a sinner.
 I know that I have turned away from You several times.
 Today, I confess and repent of all my sins, 
 I believe You died for me and rose again,			
 I ask that Your precious Blood purify my life.
 I ask that You change me, renew me and lead me. 
	Become my Lord and personal Savior.
 Now, I am yours and I am Born Again.
 Thank you Lord for saving me. Amen.

Congratulations, the Bible tells us that every time someone gives their life to God, there is a celebration in heaven over that person; you are loved and celebrated at this moment and forever. Amen!

Next steps: I urge you to find a church to join; you may also reach out via the Contact section if you have any questions. We would love to help you with your walk with Christ. God loves you!

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